Here are a few random photos from the last month and the stories behind them.
Can you tell what's wrong with this picture?

Maybe this picture will clear it up.

I had noticed his pants were on backwards earlier but that is a common occurance now that he goes to the bathroom by himself. But when I walked in and saw the shirt on backwards too I couldn't help but laugh.

"I can button my own shirts now. At least when I'm not being a grump." [Not a direct quote, obviously]

I forget what he was calling this but it was hilarious. I guess that is my punishment for not posting it right away. Anyways, if you can't tell, he stuck Mr Potato Head onto Tiggers head. It looks like one of those drones from Star Wars.

Malacai always takes his naps on the couch and Vivian has started getting jealous. But these pictures were actually taken before lunch. I knew Malacai was going to fall asleep so I got his 'bed' all ready and gave him his bottle and she wanted a bed and bottle too. I figured it couldn't hurt but I didn't expect her to actually fall asleep. I took this picture trying to get both of them asleep but Michael bumped me so I just got Malacai.

And then Vivian woke up before I could snap another shot.

Isn't she so cute when she's tired?

"Like my new shoes, Mommy?"

Malacai found one too. I like how he only took off one sock since he only had one bag.

This is a picture of Daddy that Michael drew during church a few weeks ago. I thought it was great so i had to snap a picture. (I know it's probably not appropriate durring sacrament meeting but the beeping from the camera wasn't too loud.)

These are the mysterious rashes that Vivian had when she woke up from her nap after church one Sunday. We still don't know what caused them. They would be this bad and then go away in about an hour. She got them randomly for a couple days and then the next Sunday after church but we haven't seen them show up in a couple weeks so we have no idea.

This is Michael new favorite thing to do. Play Kirby on the Wii. It is one of the old NES games that you can download. It is pretty simple and he does really good with it, but he could honestly sit there for hours and never tire of it. I am trying to limit him to 30 minute sessions and it is definitely not every day and usually Daddy is home to supervise. He gets quite cranky when it is turned off and doesn't cooperate very well after it. (One of the reasons I grew up hating video games is because they do this to people.)

My dad actually had time to come and play with the kids for a bit on tuesday. That is usually his day to go up to Sacramento for his various jobs and is usually in a rush on the way down but he had about an hour to stay and play and eat lunch this time. It was really nice to have some company and to talk to my Daddy. Even though we live so close I don't get to talk to him much. I love you Dad. Thanks for stopping by, it was way fun!

(Don't worry, I fed him real food after he had his fill of pretend food.)

"Look Mommy, It's the Incredibles space ship." I thought this was too funny. What a creative way to use a slipper.

"Mommy, we're having a Party." "Oh, your having a party?" "Yeah, it's a cushion party."
What cute pictures!!! Michael has the greatest imagination! I wish I were that creative, but I'm pretty boring!
Hey I have a rash theory. My daughter has really sensitive skin and gets random rashes. One: food in nursery, two: soap they use to wash the kids with in Nursery. I hope that helps.
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