Ok, since I've been married I've only cut my hair a few times. At first I cut enough off to get rid of the permed hair. But after that was all gone, John only wanted me to trim as little as possible. He had this fantasy of long hair and I also wanted to grow it out as well because I thought it would look pretty and I thought it would be fun to donate it. About a year ago I started getting really annoyed with it. Kids pulling it, headaches, lack of creativity, etc. But John really wanted me to keep growing it out. I finally talked him into letting me cut it a few months ago, but the next day after my shower it looked too pretty to cut off. My headaches were getting worse and worse and it would just hang there. I never did anything cute with it, I would just throw it up in a claw or braid it into two braids or just leave it be. To say the least... it wasn't atractive anymore despite what John thought of it. So I made up my mind to donate it but wanted to get it as healthy as I could first. So I used this hair repair mask from our business to help with the split ends and everything. Then a couple weeks ago I decided (unbeknown to John) that I was going to go do it after my doctors appt. on monday, february 16th. Well the Wednesday before that I decided to go to my mom's and let her do it. I had a wedding that weekend and a few business meetings around then too and I wanted to look cute. So I went over there, let her read the guildelines from Locks of Love and it says that the LONGEST layer needs to be 10 inches. I knew my hair was long enough to cover that for sure so I told her 12" off the back and 10" off the sides. So she puts the rubber bands in and starts cutting them off.
Here is my beautiful, long hair.
So I called Sheree Pomana. She is a sister in my ward that told us she had talent with hairstyling, cutting and coloring and it is her cute little guy that I watch everyday. I said, "I have a problem.... Can you help me?" She told me she would look at it when she picked up Malacai and then we'd figure out what to do.
So I went over to her house after the kids were in bed and I put my trust in her. She started mixing these chemicals and I'm like, "What is that?" She said, "Highlights." I was a little uneasy because I've never done anything permanent to my hair color but like I said, I was putting my trust in her. So here I am getting my hair highlighted.
John was alseep when I got home so I had to take a picture myself. I am not ver photogenic either way but here are a few shots of my cute hairstyle after Sheree saved my hair.
I didn't even notice the highlights at first but I love them.
Like I said, I'm not very photogenic, but you get the idea. I haven't been able to puff it up as much as she did but it still looks alright when I don't have time to fix it all fancy.
She fixed my hair this night too when she came to pick up her son. I had a ward activity that night and she wanted me to look really cute for my first apearance. I told her, "You know? I could get used to this."
She did an awesome job. She even dressed me up aferwards. With a new dress and necklaces and brackelets, the whole shibang. I was her lifesize barbie doll. She was loving it and I was loving it, especially since I don't always enjoy thinking for myself of what I should wear and what goes together. Also I don't feel comfortable doing or wearing a lot of things so I end up just throwing whatever is comfortable on and hoping it works. Well, I hope you enjoyed the pics and the story.
PS. John was upset at first, but after Sheree fixed it he told me he could get used to it. Now that it's a week and a half later, he is loving it and actually plays with it more now too. And I am also quite pleased myself. I feel free now and no more ponytail headaches for me (just regular ones now). Let me know what you think.
I think it looks really cute. Your hair looks really healthy. It so nice to have a change sometimes.
So Cute!!! I was shocked to see how long it was only days before I just saw you! Too bad I missed it, but like I said, it's dang cute now. :)
I really like it. You look great.
lol. I tried to comment, but anyway. I love it and I think you are so beautiful!!
I LOVE IT! It is so cute. My husband has a hard time with any changes I make at first too. He is always nervous about it. After I make the change, he is almost always pleasantly surprised! I remember one time I was going to get my hair cut and he was behaving like I was going into surgery! When I came home, he was quite happy with the results. Anyway, kudos to you for donating your hair. And the final results are beauitful. I love the highlights.
It looks so cute! I love how she pinned it up, and dressed you all up! It looks so good! How nice of you to donate your hair to locks of love! I would do that if I could, but it would take me years and years to grow my hair out! Good for you! You rock the new do'!
Cute cut!!
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