So as all mothers know, it is hard to keep the right names with the right kid. My sister told me that I mixed them up in my blog about the hospital calling Lawrence "Theodore" on accident. I can't believe I missed that, esp. with how many times I proofread my posts. However this mix up is quite frequent because we are just in the habit of calling the baby of the family Theodore. The kids are better than me and John are about keeping them strait but I have heard Michael slip up a few times.
Lawrence developed jaundice Saturday morning. Vivian had it too the first couple days so instead of trying to get him to see a doctor (on the weekend) I decided to just keep feeding him and let him bathe in the sun. The yellow didn't go away as fast as it did with Vivian but around day 7 he got a good color back.
Vivian loves Lawrence but once again she gets so close that sometimes it scares us. It seems like it's another doll to her... a very special doll... an alive doll... but still. I will be grateful when he is at least a month old and can hold his head up better.
Nana took me shopping on Presidents Day because my sister told me I couldn't pass up the Sale at Michael's. While we were gone a little too long Lawrence got pretty hungry and we have this adorable video of Michael singing to Lawrence while swaying him around the living room. I haven't had the best experience of uploading video's but I thought I would tell you about it and type the lyrics to Michael's made up lullaby. "It's alright! I know it's going to take a long time. Just wait until mommy comes home... today!" John said that Michael singing was the only thing that would calm him down. In the video he tried giving him back to John and he sure enough started crying again so Michael said to put the video on for Lawrence to listen too.
Theodore is also pretty cute with him. The first few days he would look at him and smile pretty big behind his binky but then he would look at me (keep the smile on) but have this look in his eyes saying, "He's in my way." He still has his jealous moments but usually he just looks at him and smiles. He is pretty good about keeping his distance and not touching him but there have been a couple times that I have had to protect Lawrence. Mostly because Theodore is in that curious stage of, "what will happen if I do this." He is learning that some things get Mommy mad, and whenever he makes me mad he goes strait to the time out corner without being asked. I've only actually sent him there once. It's amazing how much he's learned just from watching the other kids.
Every time we see him looking at Lawrence we say, "Baby." over and over again. He is starting to say a few words so we are doing our best at teaching him the basics.
For me personally, my babies just look like babies. They all look the same to me until they get a little older. But from what I can tell, I think Lawrence will be a lot more like Vivian than Theodore. He came with the strawberry on the forehead, long fingers, long feet and toes like Vivian had. I'm also pretty positive he will have blue eyes but John is in denial and is really hoping for another child with hazel eyes. However Lawrence's head shape looks more like John's, Michael's and Theodore's so only time will tell what he will really be like.
Lawrence is a great nurser. The first 16 hours he wanted to be on me constantly and I was hoping he wouldn't be like that all the time because I wouldn't be able to handle it. However the next 16 hours he slept so deep that we barely got 2 or 3 feedings in him (hence the jaundice the next morning). Since then he has tapered off to a more regular eating schedule and at 2 weeks was almost up to 9 pounds.
This may be graphic for some but before babies smile consciously they smile in their sleep and I think it is the most adorable thing when an infant smiles with their mouth full of boob.
Here I am with my 2 babies. I thought this was such a candid moment that I (super stingy with what I let my kids play with or touch) actually asked Michael to go get the camera and take a picture of us. He was so proud saying, "This is my first picture ever." (yeah right, he's snuck the camera a few times and has had the privilege of playing with Grandparents phones and camera's frequently.)
Here is my 2 babies again, This is the look Theodore always has on his face when he looks at Lawrence.
He wasn't quite sure what to do with him in his lap though.
I've been trying to give Lawrence some time to work out his neck. I will feel so much more comfortable once he builds those muscles. It happened pretty quick with the other 2 but Lawrence still seems so fragile.
This is Michael's adorable big brother face.
And here is Vivian holding him however she pleases like it was her own doll.
And here are my 4 beautiful children. I am slowly getting used to the fact that I have 4 kids and I'm only 25. I almost have my house fully together. The past few weeks we've been organizing cupboards and closet's and if I can only get my office/craft room and front/school room organized then I will feel a whole lot more prepared for the busy months ahead.

In a few weeks we will have to get the 6 of us in one picture. Usually we get one at the hospital but the kids didn't come to the hospital this time and it just hasn't worked out at home yet.
While we were still in the hospital killing time until we could come home I called each of my sisters to make sure they heard the news. Melanie asked me a question I wasn't prepared for. She asked if my family felt more complete now. I wasn't sure how to answer her because even though John and I knew we wanted more children this one did come as a surprise to us and it's been hard to get used to the idea. However the more I thought about her question I could only think of little Adelaide that is still waiting in heaven to join our family. The more time I have spent with Lawrence there is no doubt in my mind that he belongs here as well and I'm sure there is an important reason why he came now instead of later.
I'm not sure how the conversation happened but Michael was telling John that he didn't want another little sister because if they both took a toy away from him he wouldn't know which one to chase after first. We had to burst his bubble and let him know it wasn't just little sisters that took toys away from him and that he will have to deal with it from Theodore and Lawrence when they get older too.
Well I hope you've enjoyed learning more about our ever changing family. I will try to post more often (it's one of my new years resolutions).
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