So I had a lot of help the first week of Lawrence's life. Nana would come over to babysit the bigger kids or cook meals while John had other obligations. Here she is playing computer games with ALL the kids. I had been pretty stuck to the couch but when I saw Theodore climb up there, I had to walk faster than was comfortable to go get the camera for this shot. It was just too cute.

While John took Lawrence for his
Circ. I decided to
surprise him by doing the dishes. He has been so awesome and I new doing EVERYTHING was starting to ware him out. So I set the kids up with
Play dough and got to work. Michael decided to surprise me and make a bunch of hearts. He was proud of his "fence" (made of the
play dough cups) to prevent me from seeing the surprise before it was ready.

Theodore decided to "Help" me eat my cookies.

He also helped Papa measure the hole for the new Pair Tree in our backyard.

While me and Nana went shopping with Vivian and Lawrence the rest of the guys were working on planting in the back yard. They planted a new orange and pair tree, 2 grapevines, 9 asparagus plants and a bunch of onions. Thanks John and Papa!

I am so grateful for all the help I
received and I'm sure that had a play in my quick recovery. I am feeling almost back to normal and it's only been 2 weeks. With the other 2 I was down for 5-8 weeks so I am very grateful for all of my blessings.
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