Friday, February 25, 2011

Michael's Birthday Acknowledged

So Michael's actual birthday was the 12th. We got home from the hospital the night before so that morning Nana came over to babysit Vivian and Theodore while I took care of myself and Lawrence so that John could take Michael shopping. He got to spend the gift card he received at his birthday party. John took him all around Target and they made a list of all the things Michael wanted to go back to. He finally decided on 2 dart guns. John bought him some extra darts so that the fun can go on forever. Here is one of their first gun fights.
Such an animated Character, some day he will be in acting classes.
Nana bought him a color magna doodle and he drew a pretty good version of a clock on it for this picture. All 3 kids fight over this toy big time. Theodore thinks it is a great toy to sit on but we are trying to change his mind.
Nana also made him a cake for his birthday. It was just John, Vivian and I that were awake to sing to him but he enjoyed making another wish before blowing out his candles and plunging the room into complete darkness.

John also took him to buy new tennis shoes and new church shoes for his birthday. We made sure to get ones with laces to force us into teaching him how to tie his shoes. Unfortunately we haven't left the house very much to work on it but one of these days we will get it going.

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