Friday, February 25, 2011
Mother of 4
Michael's Birthday Acknowledged
John also took him to buy new tennis shoes and new church shoes for his birthday. We made sure to get ones with laces to force us into teaching him how to tie his shoes. Unfortunately we haven't left the house very much to work on it but one of these days we will get it going.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Lawrence James Bowman
I felt like I was further along than I have before and mentally I had prepared myself to work instead of just dilly dally around all day. I had also decided on the epidural to ease the pain and hopefully make the experience a little more pleasant for us all. So my mental outlook going into the hospital was different than before.
We got to the hospital at 7am but waited for quite awhile before OB was ready for us (so much for pre-registering to speed the process). It was after 9am before she checked me to put the first pill in. But I was already at a 4 so she had to talk to my doctor before putting it in. Dee (my CNM) told her to go ahead and put the first pill in and then she would come around noon to break my water. So it was probably around 9:30 that I got that first pill. 40 minutes later I went on my first walk. (usually I saunter) but I was on a mission. I really wanted my water to break on it's own this time. It did with Vivian but Dee had to break it with Theodore and I think that is one reason why the labor took longer, because my body wasn't quite ready yet.
So there I was walking briskly down the hallway pushing my IV stand, with John trying to keep up complaining about his hips hurting. We didn't head back until my IV battery was running low and I was glad to lay back down. Of course Dee didn't show up at noon (I didn't really expect her to) but my mom and John's mom were both there by 1pm. Debra (John's mom) kept saying we would have a baby before dark. I didn't believe her but hoped it wouldn't be too long after that. We went for another short walk (this time it was hurting more but I was still trying to move faster than normal). Dee was there when we got back.
Sometime between 2 and 2:30 is when she went to go break my water. She had everything ready and checked me, I was at a 6 almost 7 and while she was in there my water broke on it's own. YAY, I was glad about that. Then they said, "OK, what kind of pain medicine do you want." I said, "Dee suggested the epidural so I'm gonna go with that." Well, they came back a few minutes later to tell me that the anesthesiologist was busy and wouldn't be available for 2 hours and by that time I would be way past that so I went with the same pain meds I've used before. They totally knocked me out but didn't really take too much pain off of the contractions. Of course John waited until then to snap a couple pictures of me.
My recovery is better and worse than before. But overall... way better. I think it will be a faster recovery because I didn't put my body through as much strain as before. But man the after contractions are pretty killer this time. We are all doing better than expected. John is off for the beginning of next week and Nana (Debra) is making sure we are all taken care of.
Thank-you for your thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Theodore can get pretty jealous at times too. Sometimes when Vivian is on my lap, he will start screaming bloody murder. But for the most part he keeps busy and I can tell he will be a lot like Michael. The more tired he gets, the harder he plays. And he's developed Michael's old habit of playing in his crib for an extended time period before falling asleep. He is getting to be such a big boy that other than the fact that he can't talk yet it will be easy to not think of him as the baby anymore. I just hope he will understand that he will have to share mommy a lot of the time.
I also have a spectacularly wonderful husband. He's been awesome about washing the dishes so that I don't have to lean over my belly and hurt my back to do them. He is also a great sport about all the little things; putting my socks on, cleaning up messes the kids make, vacuuming, wiping the table, switching laundry, etc. The list could go on and on with all the little things he does to make my life easier and I should tell him how much I appreciate it more often.
So other than the long to-do list that we are trying to finish before life gets crazier, I think we are pretty much ready for next week. At least with all the things we can control. My mom is going to come up and watch the kids while I am in labor and then between my parents, John and his parents, the kids will be taken care of while I am in the hospital. I have the baby clothes washed and the bassinet never got put away (just filled with junk). So there are a few more mandatory things we need to set out and rearrange but everything else we will just handle it when we need to.
We will definitely get some pictures from the hospital on here as soon as we can and keep everyone updated through here or facebook.
Wish us Luck... Here we go...
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Theodore is 14 months old today. He is getting to be such a smart boy (I can't say big, because I don't think he has grown much. I'll find out at his 15 month check up next month.) But he's on track to be just like his dad, short... but full of brains.