So my Brother-in-Law, Evan Mountford, graduated from Chiropractic school in December. My sister decided to throw him a big graduation party and since family was coming down we also threw in a trip to Disneyland since their passes were about to expire. I left John here by himself for 4 days and drove down with my mom and another couple that are really good friends of Emily and Evan's. It was such a help to have them along, it gave Michael someone else to talk to besides me. My dad drove down in a different car with my Grandpa which turned out to be a good thing because they ended up leaving town early to take my Grandpa to the emergency room up here so that they wouldn't get stuck down there if he was admitted.
Anyways, so we drove down Wednesday and went to disneyland on Thursday. Emily had accumulated a lot of Disney Credits so we all (my dad, grandpa, me and Michael) got into the park for $1.00. Yes 25 cents each. The first thing we saw when we got in the park was the Hooks and Ladders Co.
Here is our group watching the show. (I should get the video's from my dad) You can't really see Michael and Matthew's face, but they are there looking behind them.
Chip and Dale came out to join the frenzy.
Then Cruella Deville came out to torcher everyone and to try and buy the firehouse dog.
Then Goofy came out to get giggy with us.
Then we headed over to It's a Small World so that my Grandpa could enjoy some nostalgia. The Christmas decorations were so awesome.
While we were waiting for my Grandpa to make it through the handicap line My sister took over waiting with him and my dad came with me and the kids to ride the Alice and Wonderland caterpillars. Since we were still waiting for Great Grandpa and since it was that time anyways, we stopped for a lunch break. Evan found us there.
Along with Janae Gonzales and her family. We knew they would be there that day but it's still funny that we ran into them right outside "It's a Small World after all."
After lunch we decided to head over to California Adventures and ended up running into the Marry Poppins Band. Emily hadn't seen this show yet and was very grateful to see it before their passes expired.
Bert showing Matthew and Michael how to make faces.
The second time they pulled this out Michael ran over to "Help" them put it back in. I didn't notice at first since I was taking pictures so I ran over there to get him and Bert said (In his accent of course), "It's alright, He's just being a helpful little chap." I thought that was pretty cool that they weren't annoyed with kids crossing the line.
"Chim, Chiminy, Chim, Chiminy, Chim, Chim, Cheree."
Michael even got to hold Bert's hand.
When that was over we continued our course to California Adventures but we were stopped yet again when we saw the opportunity to meat Mickey and Goofy. When I had told Michael we were going to Disneyland the day before he asked if we were going to meet Mickey Mouse and I said yes and then he asked if he could talk and I said, "No, he can't talk." and then he asked if he could run and I said, "No, he probably can't run." Then he asked if he could walk with him and I said, "Maybe." Then he asked if he could give him lovins. and I said, "YES." It was sucha cute conversation so I'm glad we had the opportunity to meet Mickey Mouse.
We finally made it outside Disneyland and while we were waiting to get in Michael and I had fun posing on the candycane striped letters that spelled CALIFORNIA.
Anyways, so we drove down Wednesday and went to disneyland on Thursday. Emily had accumulated a lot of Disney Credits so we all (my dad, grandpa, me and Michael) got into the park for $1.00. Yes 25 cents each. The first thing we saw when we got in the park was the Hooks and Ladders Co.
I don't know if the previous incident is why but Marry Poppins chose Michael first to dance with her. I was pretty excited and started clicking my camera like crazy. Here are the best pictures I got though.
L is for Lucky Lorina
A is for Awesome
and Adorable
and Arriba (spanish for 'up')
Once we got in we were trying to hurry to the Bugs Life Show and had to watch out for this float. Michael stopped a couple times and I was like, "Come on hurry up." and he's like, "NO, I have to dance." It was hilarious. Finally I told him he could dance while he walked.
We let Emily and Evan go ride the roller coaster alone (which they had also never done and wanted to before passes expired) while we went to see the "It's tough to be a bug" show. After that we went over to the Bugs life Kid ride area to wait for them. I sat with Great Grandpa and Vivian (hoping she would fall asleep) while Grandpa took Michael, Rebecca and Mathew on all the little rides there. (And we were worried he wouldn't have enough time witht he grandkids... I think he was pretty tired after that.)
Emily and Evan still weren't back so we headed over to Turtle Talk. Some teenagers gave the kids some streamers. (Thank-you, thank-you) They had so much fun dancing and twirling with them while we waited to go in.
They made for some pretty cool pictures too.
After that we watched the parade from behind the crowd (Emily and Evan had gotten us priority seating but without Great Grandpa, who was using the restroom, we couldn't use them.) Then we decided to send the kids and Great Grandpa home with Evan and then Emily and I could enjoy some time with our Dad. The kids were able to entertain themselves on the tram ride pushing eachother heads.
When we got back to the park My Dad got a super cool shot of the Christmas tree with the Moon in the background posing as the star.
We tried to do things that weren't possible with kids but I don't know if we were successful. We rode the submarine, Materhorn, and Buss Lightyear. We had just enough time for one more ride before the park closed so we choose... The Tea Cups.
Vivian kept seeing how far she could get before I could catch her. I'm glad the other kids were occupied because this one kept me running any time she got out of the stroller.
Dad and Emily
1 comment:
WOW!!! It looks like you guys had some fun!!! I think that next time we take a trip to Disneyland it will have to be in December. It looks so cool with all of the Christmas decor.
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