Saturday, November 13, 2010

Baby Name

As most of you know we have had a hard time picking another boy name. When we asked Michael, he said we should name him "Theodore"
When we asked Vivian, she said we should name him, "California"
When we asked Thodore he just laughed.

We tried to give him several suggestions but he just laughed harder at each one.
Both me and John were hoping he would be a little more helpful considering he's the one that saw his brother in heaven last, but he still just kept laughing.
John has been particularly picky about this name and kept turning down everything I suggested. Finally I told him he needs to give at least some of the names a chance.
Soon after that I became pretty set on a name. It has taken him WEEKS to come around to it and he's not 100% attached to it but he has finally agreed to it and there is no turning back now.
Our third son will be named
Lawrence James Bowman
Lawrence means crowned with laurel. (Laurel is a tree but also means honor.)
So Lawrence means Crowned with Honor and James is a 'substitute'.
So we now have our name and we can start refering to my tummy as Lawrence. Again we will not be giving him a nickname we will call him Lawrence just like all our other kids go by their full name.
Lawrence will join our family on February 10th. (At least that is the induction date and I am fairly motivated to pop him out quick this time. I stalled too long with Theodore.) And I am hoping that we can keep the 12th set aside as Michael's Birthday.
Hope life is treating you well.
With Love,
Johnathan Ray
Lorina Renee
Michael Xavier Marshall
Vivian Rose
Theodore Scott
Lawrence James

1 comment:

david-and-shellie said...

I love the name Lawrence! My grandpa's name is Walter Lawrence (he goes by Larry) and my littlest brother Joe's middle name is Lawrence, so the name is near and dear to me. We're trying to decide on our little boy's name still, and we're due Jan 1st!!! Nothing like waiting until the last minute. I fear we may go to the hospital not knowing what his name should be. We'll see! We have plenty of ideas, it's just so hard to choose.
And we asked Ally what she wanted to name her "baby brudder" just like you guys, and her suggestion was "Cupcake." Gotta love 3-year-olds!
Can't wait to see your newest addition on the blog when he comes.