Tuesday, November 25, 2008
New Blog
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Who are you going to be on Halloween Night?
These are the treats I made for Play Group the Wednesday before Halloween. They are called Monster Mouths. If you can't tell, it's just apple slices with peanut butter and candycorn for teeth. They were pretty messy with the kids, but I have to say... they were absolutely delicious.
We decided to stick with a Hero theme but with a kind of weird twist. Michael was Batman (Hero that protects the innocent and makes sure Justice is served). Vivian was a Love-A-Lot Bear (Hero that saves children from uncaring feelings). I was a Soldier (Hero who fights for and protects our Freedom). And John was Captain America. A Marval Hero that isn't quite as well known as the others. Captain America protects our country. I made his costume the night before. It's not as good as it could be had I had more time but you all get the idea.
We went to go Visit John's work so that all his co-workers could see the kids in their costumes. This is the only picture we got with Vivian's hood on. Michael opening the door to the building where Daddy used to work.
That evening when I was getting his costume back on he said, Batman wants to go on top of the town. I didn't really understand what he was saying at first but after I got it all on, He went strait over to his play house/park/gym thing. So this is a picture of Batman on top of the "Town."
Then we headed over to our Ward's Trunk-or-Treat Halloween Party. Vivian somehow got ahold of this.
Here they are bowling while daddy when out to decorate the car (sorry I didn't get a picture of the car but it wasn't anything fancy).
Here is a slide show of some of the other cool costumes we saw there. (I couldn't get it to post properly so just click on the link and it will take you there)
8 Things
8 Things
~Answer the 8 things for all 8 questions and then tag your friends.
8 Things you did yesterday
1. Went to Vivian's 18 month check up (31.5 inches and 20.4 pounds)
2. Went to my moms house
3. Got her entire stamp collection along with a few other things they were getting rid of
4. Rearanged my sewing room to fit the previosly mentioned collection
5. Organized the previously mentioned collection
6. Made dinner
7. Frosted a cake that my Mother-in-Law made for our anniversary (it was delicious-Thanks Debra)
8. Took a much needed shower
8 Foods/snacks that you enjoy
1. Anything sweet and breadish (cookies, brownies, cake, donuts, etc.)
2. Chocolate
3. Melons (water, honeydew, cantelope)
4. Boneless, skinless, chicken thighs
5. Rotini Pasta
6. Sun Chips
7. Anything I don't have to cook
8. Vivian's feet
8 places I have lived
1. Stockton (2)
2. Lathrop
3. Lodi
4. Ripon
5. Provo (2)
6. Mountain View
7. San Pedro
8. Oklahoma
8 Things about yourself that most people don't know
1. I used to ask my parents to ground me b/c I wanted to be like all the other kids (lame, I know)
2. I was inactive in the church for almost a year after High School (again... lame)
3. I don't like calling people
4. I am a people watcher (when I'm in a group I'm usually listening and watching rather than particiapating in the conversation, although I am trying to speak up more)
5. I am a partial perfectionist (I like certain things done my way)
6. I don't like to get wet unless I'm in the shower, swimming or washing my hands and then I dry off really quickly when I'm done
7. I have horrible teeth (almost at the point where I'll have more fillings than actual tooth)
8. I am a night owl at heart and wish I could let her out (but with kids it's just not smart)
8 things I want to learn about
1. More about Parenting
2. More about Cooking
3. More about Photography (only a year left to finish my correspondence class)
4. More about the Scriptures and Book of Mormon History
5. More about the Latter-Day Prophets
6. More about People (how they think, how to understand and connect with them)
7. More about our Business
8. More about Sewing (clothes and quilting)
8 things I would do if I were a millionaire
1. Buy my Parents land and give them money to build their dream home
2. Donate money to the Church Education Fund so that more of the world has the opportunity to get educated
3. Give my children a Private Tutor that will bring out the best in them
4. Give Christmas to families that can't afford Christmas
5. Travel the World
6. Have a lot more kids (myself and through adoption)
7. Build my family a Castle
8. Spend every day with my husband and my children
8 wishes
1. To be out of Debt
2. To have our business built
3. To own our own house
4. To have a budget for Groceries and Clothes
5. To help my family financially
6. To get pregnant again
7. To have my husband retire from work
8. To move out of California
8 things on my to do list
1. Dishes (always)
2. Laundry (always)
3. Clean my room (today)
4. Clean my bathroom (today)
5. Sweep and mop the kitchen (today)
6. Vacuum the house (today)
7. To loose 30 pounds (ASAP)
8. To be a better person today than I was yesterday (always)
I tag everyone on my blog list on the right (if your not on there, give me a link to your blog and I'll add you).
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
3 years ago...
3 years ago... I started a new journey.
I married YOU, Johnathan Ray Bowman.
Times have been good and times have been hard.
We've had our ups and downs.
We've struggled but we have also grown.
We have reached new hieghts together.
You are my rock, my light, my sunshine, my life.
Our love is unconditional
We knew it from the start
I can see it in your eyes
You can feel it from my heart
From here on after
Lets stay the way we are right now
And share all the love and laughter
That a lifetime will allow
I cross my heartAnd promise to
Give all Ive got to give
To make all your dreams come true
In all the world
Youll never find
A love as true as mine
You will always be the miracle
That makes my life complete
And as long as theres still breath in me
Ill make yours just as sweet
As we look into the future
Its as far as we can see
So lets make each tomorrow
Be the best that it can be
I cross my heart
And promise to
Give all Ive got to give
To make all your dreams come true
In all the world
Youll never find
A love as true as mine
And if along the way we find a day
It starts to storm
Youve got the promise of my love
To keep you warm
I cross my heart
And promise to
Give all Ive got to give
To make all your dreams come true
In all the world
Youll never find
A love as true as mine
This is the song we danced to on our wedding day.
I meant it then, and I mean it even more now.
I'm going to give ALL I've got to give... to YOU.