John kept telling me to stop calling it a girl. But I said, "Hey, if I'm wrong, I'll be wrong. I won't be disapointed, It will be fine." And I am fine. I was calling it a 'he' 2 minutes later and it still felt natural, I haven't slipped up once.
However I had myself totally convinced it was a girl, not that I cared either way it's just this pregnancy was sooo like my pregnancy with Vivian. The past few weeks I have actually noticed the similarities between this and when I was pregnant with Theodore but I haven't wanted to tell anyone that because I was so sure it was a girl.
Here is a breakdown of pregnancy symtoms
With Vivian:
-normal breast pain in 1st trimester
-nauseated ALL the time
-heartburn in last trimester
-major aversion to most foods
With Theodore:
-normal breast pain in 1st trimester
-heartburn the whole pregnancy (probably due to weight gain)
-aversion to eggs and sweets
-pelvic pain unless I took it easy
With #3:
-breast pain in begining of 2nd trimester (I guess they don't need as much prep since they did this last year)
-heartburn (I try to avoid the foods that cause it but it's hard because that includes like 80% of foods)
-pelvic pain unless I take it WAY easy (even sneezing hurts sometimes)
-nausea (unless I sleep 8 hours and keep food in me. I also take a nausea pill and drink a yogurt before I get out of bed. Also drink a B-vitamin energy drink (don't worry it's caffine free) in the mid morning.)
-small aversion to eggs
-addiction to sweets
-fatigue (the energy drink helps though)
-hot flashes
Overall this pregnancy seems like a mix between the two. I was hoping it was a girl because then I would know within the first 2 months what the gender would be b/c I would assume if I got nausous it was a girl, if I didn't it was a boy. Oh well, I guess I can't judge it by that anymore. But I have been under a little more stress this pregnancy than last.
So now I just need to get used to the fact that my family isn't going to be balanced like I thought. Instead of 2 boys and 2 girls I am going to have 3 boys and 1 girl. And our other girl will just have to wait to join us. I know she is up there but she will have to wait a couple years.
Speaking of Heaven. Debra (MIL) kept telling me to ask Michael and Vivian what they thought it was. She says they are closer to heaven and they just know certain things. I had asked them before but it was always the same, Vivian wants a girl and Michael wants a boy. So today I was telling Michael where we were going and asked him if he thought it was a boy or a girl.
He said "I think it's a boy"
I said, "Do you think it's a boy or do you want it to be a boy?"
He said, "I think it's a boy and I want it to be a boy."
I said, "What if it's a girl, wouldn't it be fun to have a girl."
He said, "We can have another boy and then a girl."
Interesting huh? Now we just have to try and find a boy name we like. Such a hard battle. Wish us luck.
Overall this pregnancy seems like a mix between the two. I was hoping it was a girl because then I would know within the first 2 months what the gender would be b/c I would assume if I got nausous it was a girl, if I didn't it was a boy. Oh well, I guess I can't judge it by that anymore. But I have been under a little more stress this pregnancy than last.
So now I just need to get used to the fact that my family isn't going to be balanced like I thought. Instead of 2 boys and 2 girls I am going to have 3 boys and 1 girl. And our other girl will just have to wait to join us. I know she is up there but she will have to wait a couple years.
Speaking of Heaven. Debra (MIL) kept telling me to ask Michael and Vivian what they thought it was. She says they are closer to heaven and they just know certain things. I had asked them before but it was always the same, Vivian wants a girl and Michael wants a boy. So today I was telling Michael where we were going and asked him if he thought it was a boy or a girl.
He said "I think it's a boy"
I said, "Do you think it's a boy or do you want it to be a boy?"
He said, "I think it's a boy and I want it to be a boy."
I said, "What if it's a girl, wouldn't it be fun to have a girl."
He said, "We can have another boy and then a girl."
Interesting huh? Now we just have to try and find a boy name we like. Such a hard battle. Wish us luck.